I was reading in 2 Chronicles 29 recently where King Hezekiah ordered the Temple cleansed (v3-11) and as I read the proclamation that the priests and Levites were to "remove all defilement from the sanctuary" I had to ask myself the same question - am I removing defilement in my own life? I know we are "in this world not of it" but I really need to get rid of things in my life. This can be from garbage I am watching on tv, places I go on the Internet, music I am listening to, books I am reading. And yes, it can even be people I need to separate from for a time. It is choices I make that cause this mess and defilement in my life and I need to keep short accounts with God. I want to be consecrated, set apart, holy and usable for God (2 Tim. 2:21).
Total time: 16 days - wow, it took over 2 weeks to clean the Temple. Not a one day or couple of hours will do for such a task. Sometimes that is hard to hear and even harder to implement as we want instant reconsecration. And even though we can be restored the moment we confess (1 John 1:9), we have habits that need to be broken, strongholds that need to be torn down. It takes time to purify our lives before God. He will help but we must not give up before the process is done. Renewing our minds and refreshing ourselves in His Word has to take place daily, constantly. See Hebrews 12:1- 3, especially verse 3. Don't grow weary of doing good.
Sacrifice - not a word we like to hear. In our luxurious life in the US we think sacrifice is when we have to have leftovers instead of a fresh meal. Or our favorite program is a rerun and we must watch something else. Or we have to have a slightly less hot shower because several others have already used the facilities. You get my drift here as these are not true sacrifices. True sacrifice is our giving up our desires for God's. In the reading in 2 Chronicles there were consecration sacrifices made, 28 in fact, necessary to purify the temple. And these sacrifices cost someone something. We must also make sacrifices in our lives, giving up that which we hold as valuable for something that is of greater worth - eternity! We should be driven by what one day will issue from our Savior's lips, "well done, good and faithful servant." Things that we hold dear, let us examine these and be willing to lay them down on the altar. Things that the world says are OK or permissible, may not be for us as Christians. This is a tough to hear, let alone to write, and cuts to my heart as I know of things that I need to be willing to give away to God.
Interesting to note that the offerings were accompanied by music (2 Chronicles 29:27-30). Not mournful, funeral dirges, or laments, but praises, worship and adoration for God. The time of reconsecration was accompanied by praise. Again I need to be honest: Am I singing over the sacrifices I am making in my life? Do I praise God for what He is doing in me as I seek after Him? "So they sang praises with gladness and bowed their heads and worshiped" - (End of verse 30). Do I dedicate myself with gladness?
A neat end result is that the nation of Judah wanted to celebrate Passover with everyone. They invited Israel, Ephraim, Manasseh, to all come and join in with them as they worshiped God and remembered His provision. Will that be the end result for us as we consecrate ourselves to Him? Will we want to tell others the good news? Tell others about what God has done for us?
Labels: Bible, Consecration, music, Old Testament, sacrifices, surrender, Temple, time, Worship
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