Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earlier this month I woke up early to watch the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean. I was joined on the empty beach by a few other hearty souls also bent on catching the glowing orb of burning gas color the far horizon and burst upon our gaze. In that moment, I was so struck by the simplicity of the moment and how often we take it for granted. Every day is marked by the rising and setting of the sun that cries out to the faithfulness and permanence of God. But we are told that one day the sun will be no more and that in that heavenly city the "glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp" - Revelation 21:22. I was moved to cry out to God in worship for the simple fact of Him bringing me through another day and how I did not want to squander it but rather be open to the leading of His will, to the guiding of His Spirit. One day this world will be no more and I want to have spent my life for Him.
This is my simple act of Worship to my great God.


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